The Official Website


"I would like to gratefully acknowledge everyone who has and continues to give their heart whelming support....NO MATTER WHAT! It's THAT type of support that makes this all a MAGNIFICENT experience!"

Click Here for a Special Acknowledgement to Mel Friedman

My Wife ~ "Daphne, you never cease to amaze me.... You are TRULY, the 'wind beneath my wings'! I will forever be thankful for your unconditional love! I love you so very much...ALWAYS AND FOREVER!"

Sunnyhill, Inc ~ "You have opened up such a blessing in my life and touched a part of my soul I didn't even realize was there! Thank you for the wonderful learning experience that just keeps on growing!"

Gene Ackmann ~ "Your continuous friendship coupled with the business opportunities you've brought to the table... does NOT go unnoticed! Thank you for being a 'friend'!"

Family and Friends ~ "An honorable mention goes to all of you for your understandings & supports."